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Drop-in sessions February 2024

Nuclear Waste Services are holding five drop-in sessions - all run from 11:30 am to 6:00pm

Thursday 1 February Patrington Village Hall

Friday 2 February The Shores Centre, Withernsea

Thursday 8 February Aldborough Village Hall

Friday 9 February Easington Village Hall

Monday 12 February Burstwck Village Hall

Whilst there are a lot of issues surrounding the establishment of a GDF, it will be important that the campaign and actions are focussed on demonstrtaing that South Holderness is NOT the best site for a GDF. Based on the NWS own criteria of Safety and security, community approval, environment, engineering feasibility, transport, and value for money.

Here are some questions you may wish to ask:

Where will the drift entrance be?

How close to the coast is it envisaged the drift entrance will be?

The drift entrance site will eventually be one km square in area, but how big will be the development area whilst it is created?

Where will the spoil be stored until the GDF is back-filled?

Will the GDF store Low level Waste (LLW) along with the High and Intermediate Level Waste (HLW/ILW)?

Is it proposed to have a rail line to the drift entrance? Or will waste be brought on lorries from Hull?

When operational how many lorry movements will be to/from the site per year?

What will be the impact on local farming and other economic activity?

What will be the impact on local property values?


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