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742 and counting


At time of writing, which is still 1 day before the first drop-in, the Facebook Group has risen to 742 members, including some of our, sadly for them, more experienced colleagues from Cumbria and Lincolnshire. They like many others have already offered lots of useful information and given us a lot more questions to ask. Thank you all for joining.

Whilst there are a lot of issues surrounding the establishment of a GDF, it will be important that the campaign and actions are focussed on demonstrtaing that South Holderness is NOT the best site for a GDF. Based on the NWS own criteria of Safety and security, community approval, environment, engineering feasibility, transport, and value for money.

Remember first drop-in -TOMORROW Thursday 1 February, 11:30 - 18:00, Patrington Village Hall,

and if you can't make that or you want to know more -Friday 2 February, 11:30 - 18:00 The Shores Centre, Withernsea


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