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Nuclear waste is a technical area and consequently has many technical terms. The process of seleting a site for the GDF is political so it also involves a lot of Goverment terms. This will be a constantly changing, and hopefully increasingly comprehensive list. Where appropriate a 'laymans' but hopefully not patronising description will be added.

Bentonite   Water-absorbing clay from the USA - preferred medium for back-filling vaults of waste

CNC           Civil Nuclear Constabulary - the UK's police force for nuclear sites and transport

CoRWM     Committee on Radioactive Waste Management - provides independent scrutiny and transparent advice to the                         UK governments on the long-term management of higher activity radioactive wastes

DESNZ       Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (Minister = Graham Stuart - MP for Beverley and Holderness)

DRS            Direct Rail Services - The rail division of Nuclear Transport Solutions, part of the NDA

EA              Environment Agency

GDF           Geological Disposal Facility

HLW           High Level Waste       - the stuff from inside a nuclear reactor/weapon/xray machine

ILW             Intermediate Waste   - the stuff outside a nuclear reactor or weapon

LLW            Low Level Waste

NDA           Nuclear Decommissioning Authority - reports to DESNZ

NTS            Nucleat Transport Sevices

NWS           Nuclear Wate Services – part of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

ONR           Office for Nuclear Regulation – sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions

PNTL          Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited

RWM          Radioactive Waste Management – became part of Nuclear Waste Services in 2022

VLLW          Very Low Level waste


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